Experiences Instead of Gifts for Christmas
I started my 2017 resolution at the beginning of December in an effort to be more present with family and friends and to lead a more minimalist life instead of a material one. Instead of giving gifts this year I CREATED EXPERIENCES. Bobo and I have everything we need (not to sound snooty or rude), but we are constantly trying to declutter our place and we’re in the position that if we need something, we can buy it ourselves. I want to SPEND TIME with family and friends. THAT is what matters. The older I get the more I realize how ridiculous it is to buy material gifts for people because you NEED to buy them a gift. How many gifts that you get do you actually use? Mine usually collect dust. (The more I write this out the more I sound like a grinch, but moving on….haha.) Before the 2016 holidays, I emailed my family and said “Instead of spending $50 on secret Santa gifts for each other, why not spend that money on a meal and a fun activity?" We went ax throwing and it was amazing. Instead of Bobo and I buying gifts for each other we put money towards flights home to see family & going to festive events in Vancouver before we left like Enchant & Capilano suspension bridge. I made this film to show what spending money on experiences instead of material items would look like over the holidays. Would you consider doing this next year with your family? I KNOW THIS SOUNDS CHEESY - but I felt so emotional while editing this! I'm so grateful to have such amazing family and friends, Love you guys! (even if you I didn't get a chance to get a film clip of you to include in this video)